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Support Giant Multiplayer Robot

As programmers, we here at Team GMR definitely have fun and benefit from making Giant Multiplayer Robot. However, running a website does have costs to cover, so we definitely appreciate funding from our users. By supporting us, you enable us to keep things running smoothly and continue providing improvements so that we can all enjoy Civilization V with our friends.

We want to make sure that our service is as excellent as possible. As part of this, we have a standard limitation of two games at a time per user. In other words, if you're in two games, you'll need to finish or leave one before you can create or join another. However, if you support us, either in one payment or over time, we'll upgrade your account to allow you to join or create more games..

Amount Game Limit
Free 2 games
$5 5 games
$10 10 games
$15 Unlimited

When you support Giant Multiplayer Robot, you support the users of Giant Multiplayer Robot, so we really appreaciate every last dollar. To make sure that we're able to give you credit for your support please sign in.

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